Make an Impact

Support the Ministry

With your help, we can restore hope and share God's redeeming grace with prisoners and their families around the world.

Support a Child

Children of prisoners need someone to help lift them out of despair. Someone, like you, who can engage in a meaningful relationship that lets them know God cares—and you do, too.

Reach a Prisoner

By choosing to care for prisoners, you are helping to transform prisoners’ lives, restore them to their families, and build safer communities.

Leave a Legacy

Continue to share God’s hope and healing with prisoners and their families around the globe — even after your lifetime.

Spread the Word

The PFI family is the largest, most extensive association of national Christian ministries working within the criminal justice field. And with your help, we can continue to grow.


Grassroots efforts are the best way to make personal connections with potential sponsors and make them feel like part of the PFI family. Learn more about how you can encourage others to sponsor children around the world.


You and your congregation can help bring God’s love to children around the world. Learn how you and your church can make a difference today.

Support a Child
Reach a Prisoner
Leave a Legacy
Spread the Word
The Child's Journey®

Sponsor a Child

Prison Fellowship International reaches out to help save suffering children whose parents are imprisoned in some of the poorest countries in the world. Sponsor a prisoner’s child today—and help him or her know the life-changing love of Jesus.

Sponsor a Child

Looking to make a large impact with a smaller commitment?

Prison Fellowship International reaches out to help save suffering children whose parents are imprisoned in some of the poorest countries in the world. Sponsor a prisoner’s child today— and help him or her know the life-changing love of Jesus.

Give a Gift

Become a Lamplighter

Supporting a prisoner shines a light of hope into a world of darkness and despair. Donations help prisoners go through The Prisoner's Journey®, a program that introduces them to the light and hope of Christ - changing them, and prisons, from the inside out.

Support a Prisoner

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